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Ensuring Health & Well-Being through Naturopathy services.
Starting from a biological science background in college, Bonnie later moved into studying about Holistic Wellness and Naturopathy in various forms including, but not limited to, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Energy Healing, movement (including being a RYT yoga certified teacher/trainer), nutrition & much more. She has spent the past 30+ years taking classes (& teaching), researching & studying and along the way gaining numerous credentials & board certifications & is continuing even to this day!
A natural intuitive, her goal is always to help the client become the healthiest, calmest, and the best they can possibly be in all aspects of their life. She also enjoys teaching them ways to ultimately heal themselves using the many modalities & tools available.
She now shares her knowledge with others through classes & workshops(see the Calendar page), as well as working directly with clients.
In addition, she is what is commonly referred to as an animal whisperer and works with animals (& infants & young children) in order to intuitively see where problems may be since they are unable to speak for themselves.
Below and on other pages you will find various videos explaining a bit about what she does. One was filmed by her son as a demonstration of what you can typically expect during a visit. Her husband graciously agreed to be a "client" for demonstration purposes. Another is a short tour of the herb room at Peaceful Winds & more are planned for the future. Please text if you have any further questions (see bottom of page for contact). Thanks for visiting!
Can also see the video of How I Do What I Do on the "client education" page!
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